Skybolt Cam Washer Set For Cowling Mounts

от 1275 1062 руб.

до 3797 3164 руб.

Select Model:


SK2003-AW4 (For non-adjustable Cowling Mounts)
SK2003-AW5 (For adjustable Cowling Mounts)
Series Alignment Washers or CamWashers.

Our latest innovation in cowling alignment features a "neutral default center" CamWasher. Unlike the 1st generation camwasher we developed in 2002, this design allows the installation to begin with a "centered" orientation. Previous designs never had a default center, thus limiting adjustment options. Using the Skybolt developed alignment template SK203-TEM1 (PN: 04-03964, it is very simple to set the mount location to the exact center of the respective cowling fastener location. Simply modify any Skybolt SK2003A Series Mount for the CamWashers, install, and "dial" the location of the Platemount as determined by the template. No complex drilling of any aircraft components is required to perfectly align any Cessna cowling.

Includes 2 ea CamWashers.