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Артикул: 11-14069
208032 173360 руб.
от 208032 173360 руб.
до 208032 173360 руб.
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Первая премиальная авиационная гарнитура Lightspeed Tango сочетает в себе превосходное шумоподавление, прославленный комфорт Lightspeed и удобство беспроводных технологий. Никаких проводов - основные органы управления (громкость, ComPriority) находятся на самих наушниках. Все это выводит полет с гарнитурой Tango на абсолютно новый уровень свободы и удовольствия от полета.
Технология Lightspeed Link, разработанная инженерами компании гарантирует надежную связь. Данная технология - не Bluetooth и не WiFi. Она сочетает в себе самые современные технологии, дающие максимальную надежность связи и высокое качество аудиосигнала. При этом технология Lightspeed Link позволяет одновременное использование до 6 гарнитур в одной кабине, давая возможность каждому насладиться настоящей свободой беспроводного полета.
Управляющая панель гарнитуры - основной компонент системы Lightspeed Link. Именно через нее происходит взаимодействие между наушниками, интеркомом и другими устройствами. Управляющая панель представляет собой удобный прочный корпус с кабелем, идущим в аудиоразъемы ВС. Максимальная длина кабеля составляет 78 см. Масса самой панели - всего 250 г. Кроме того, благодаря универсальности механизма крепления, панель может быть удобно закреплена практически в любом ВС.
Питание 21 века. Lightspeed Tango - первая авиационная гарнитура, использующая в качестве источника питания заряжаемую литий-ионную батарею. Этот заряжаемый аккумулятор способен давать энергию для непрерывной работы гарнитуры в течение 12 часов и представляет собой экологически чистый и не бьющий по кошельку многоразовый источник энергии.
Двухпортовое зарядное устройство Tango может одновременно заряжать аккумулятор панели и наушников. За 1 час оно может зарядить батареи этих устройств на 75%, а за два часа - полностью. Аккумуляторы также могут заряжаться во время использования гарнитуры и легко меняются на ходу. Батареи для панели и наушников взаимозаменяемые и могут быть приобретены отдельно, если потребуется.
Резервирование. Управляющая панель содержит резервный кабель, который с легкостью можно использовать для обеспечения бесперебойной работы гарнитуры в случае полной разрядки аккумуляторов.
Тишина, которую вы заметите. Гарнитуры Tango дают отличное шумоподавление, которое, впрочем, Вы ожидаемо получаете Lightspeed.
Замечательный комфорт, который достигается благодаря плисовым уплотнителям для ушей с большой площадью чашек (10 квадратных дюймов).
Совместимо с FlightLink. Записывайте входящие и исходящие сообщения с бесплатным приложением Lightspeed FLightLink для Apple iPad и iPhone используя специальный соединительный кабель.
Выбор внешних источников. Наслаждайтесь великолепной чистотой звонков и качеством музыки, имейте доступ к самым важным оповещениям от Ваших авиационных приложений на мобильных устройствах, используя поставляемый в комплекте соединительный кабель или Bluetooth.
ComPriority. Вы не пропустите ни одного важного радиосообщения от диспетчера с патентованной технологией ComPriority, которая снижает громкость всех сторонних сигналов во время использования радио или интеркома.
Автоматическое выключение - собственная технология Lightspeed, отключающая питание наушников и панели, когда они не используются.
В зависимости от требований в вашей стране вам необходимо выбрать одну из версий наушников. Соответствие стран и версий представлено ниже.
Австралия | США |
Австрия | Бразилия |
Бельгия | Канада |
Болгария | Чили |
Кипр | Гватемала |
Хорватия | Мексика |
Чехия | |
Дания | |
Эстония | |
Финляндия | |
Франция | |
Германия | |
Греция | |
Венгрия | |
Ирландия | |
Италия | |
Латвия | |
Литва | |
Люксембург | |
Мальта | |
Нидерладны | |
Новая Зеландия | |
Польша | |
Португалия | |
Румыния | |
Россия | |
Словакия | |
Словения | |
ЮАР | |
Испания | |
Швеция | |
Великобритания | |
Общие сведения
Аккумулятор: перезаряжаемый Li-ion 3.7В Масса наушников (с аккумулятором): 510 г |
Преобразователь: 40мм движущаяся катушка Частотный диапазон: 20 Гц - 20 кГц Номинальный импеданс при использовании резервного кабеля 1кГц: |
Принцип преобразователя: электретное шумоподавление Частотная характеристика: 200 Гц 6000 Гц Max уровень звукового давления: 114 dB Нагрузочное сопротивление: 2202200 Ом Рабочее напряжение: 8В-16В DC |
Активное шумоподавление |
Max уровень звукового давления: более 120 dB на 100 Гц |
Соединение с телефоном по Bluetooth |
Да |
Bluetooth Audio (A2DP) |
Да |
![]() | |
Whether you're a flight instructor making flying safer and enriching the experience of new pilots or a professional pilot helping corporations and nonprofits achieve their missions, we want to reward you for the hours you spend in the air and the care and skills you exercise in your profession. That's why we are offering a special rebate of $100 when you purchase a Zulu 3 or Tango®. We know you will be delighted with your purchase and hope you will pass on your appreciation for Lightspeed products. | |
Step 1: Purchase the Lightspeed headset that meets your needs and your budget from any authorized dealer: | |
Zulu 3 ANR Headset The most comfortable, most durable headset Lightspeed has ever made. $850 - $100Â | Tango Wireless ANR Headset Tango blends outstanding noise cancellation, renowned Lightspeed comfort, and wireless convenience. $800 - $100Â |
2: Submit the CFI or Pro Pilot Appreciation Application package by clicking here. | |
3: Receive your rebate check in less than four weeks. |
Anna B 19.12.2018 |
I really disappointed. I fly on very noisy plane Antonov 28. I used Pilot USA PA 17-71T. Ive rad that PA 17-71T reduce noise 30db, LIGHTSPEED TANGO reduce 120db before the purchase. I suspected more silence. And you know... there is no difference. At all. Really...Okay. Next. I suspected long time life battery. The headset discharged on the second day of flying. In the middle of flight. Ok. I used the wire... and lost ANR capability!!! (actually firstly discharged the box, the headset got a little charge). It is very difficult to listen ATC without ANR. Next... I had strange shutoffs during several take-offs from one airport, I guess that it is due to cold weather (the temperature there is between -30 -50 C) and it is better to keep headset in warm place especially if there any delays. Autoshutoff switch off the headset in case of my silence. Even if ATC talk, captain talk. It doesnt count. Ok. I switch off this function usually. I dont like to wait that several seconds for that purpose. The good thing is that headset is wireless. I can go to the passenger cabin if somebody needs me and steel hear captain and ATC. That is the only good thing. For 425$... I think that it is very expensive. I expected more advantages. PS. I use headset with adapter for Russian socket. |
Mario M 03.05.2018 |
Adam 20.08.2016 |
Comfortable and not overly heavy. Nice ear seal and once you figure out switch location and usage, everything is well thought out and convenient. For example, the volume control is basically a paddle switch on the right ear cup - up for up, down for down! I love the freedom of motion and not having wires to deal with. Things that were faint before, such as distant VOR ident tones, are now clear. Bluetooth audio streaming works great, havent tried out the phone yet. If I had to be nitpicky, Id note that it is rather fussy about mic placement and if that is not right your voice tends to sound a little tinny and modulated. Having to open the battery door just to plug in the charger would get a little old if I had to do it every day - I understand the new ones shipping have a new access hole, and they offer a retrofit option (mine must have been the last one out the door with the old style - bummer!) Also the on/off switch on the left ear cup (to link it to the panel interface unit) is a little hard to find by feel until you get used to it. Also the panel interface is huge! But non-issue really, it sits on the floor or where ever you clip it. Otherwise, comfort, ergonomics, function, convenience, crystal clear sound at a compelling price point - its all here! Lightspeeds website is fantastic and full of great technical information. And Aircraft Spruces buyback program is the icing on the cake (tie breaker to purchase here rather than another outfit in Ohio). |
Tyler. B 17.06.2016 |
Ordered the Tango after demo in Lakeland. I am impressed with the audio and noise cancelling. The Bluetooth link to my phone was excellent. Battery life was better than expected. I will recommend the Tango. |
David M 15.06.2016 |
This Tango headset is extremely comfortable and sound quality is second to none. The no wires feature is a big plus and in my opinion it is the best headset on the market. |
Tom F 15.06.2016 |
Excellent Headset. ANR and comfort are comparable to the Zulu. The cordless aspect is wonderful. Having a one door aircraft eases entry end egress without getting tangled. No issues with belts and wires either. Simple cell phone type batteries with easy recharge and decent longevity. A great value and innovation. |
Summer 15.06.2016 |
Ive been using my new Tango Lightspeed headset almost daily for the past 2 months in our Cessna 172. I love the freedom of not having wires in the way! The mic is easy to adjust and the headset is very comfortable, even when worn for 3+ hours in a stretch. The ear cups are soft and comfortable without feeling clamped on my head. The batteries are easy to charge and charge very quickly. This is my first high quality noise-cancelling headset and Im amazed at how much of a difference it makes - even after many hours of flying I still feel fresh and alert. Ive tried using them without the batteries turned on, to see how it performs if I ever lose battery power and its easy to quickly pull out the attached audio cord and plug it into the headset in flight, its nice to have that back-up option. Overall this is a fantastic headset - no complaints! |
Sbh 01.02.2016 |
This message is in response to Nick above: For the issue with having to rotate the jack in its port, apply some DeOXit D100S to the jack and twist in the port once or twice. Its a connection improver and every flakey jack I have ever had is fixed with this stuff. If AS doesnt have this, try other online retailers, like the one named after a South American jungle. |
Nick 16.01.2016 |
PROS: Comfortable, wireless headset provides unprecendeted freedom in the left or right seat. CONS: I think these were rushed to market. There are couple issues that just obviously scream FIRST GENERATION PRODUCT. 1) The charging port for the headset itself is behind the battery door. Each and every time you want to charge the headset, you have to open, and wear out, this door. Lightspeed even has the cut out for the charging port, but then covered it up with another piece of plastic. Say what? 2) The transmitter is huge. The size of a banana. I lucked out by having a map pocket I can shove it in nearby, otherwise youre going to have to make room for it. 3) Im already on my second unit. The first one suffered from crackling sounds, interference and broken audio that even ATC and a CFI could hear. The return process was easy, they paid for shipping and got a replacement out in a timely fashion. 4) In one of my planes I have to rotate the TX jack in the intercom port, otherwise I cant transmit. In fact, both tangos did that. You might say its my intercom, but its brand new and I have three other headsets that do not have this issue. 5) The TX likes to turn itself off, seemingly when it doesnt detect audio for a long time. Thats nice for when you forget to turn it off, but it has a lot of false positives. You cant have it turn off during an IAP, for instance. I have had to turn that feature off. 6) Even the replacement unit suffers a bit of nonstop crackling. Its similar to what youd hear during a quiet moment of a song when playing on vinyl. I think this is simply the result of the wireless technology. 7) Its hard to hear yourself speak, ie the sidetone. LS has given me some tips to improve it, but its still not too good. Its hard to talk with a headset on w/o sidetone. Thats why musicians always have headphones on during concerts. CONCLUSION: Despite all this, Im still keeping them. At least for now. Theyre comfortable, work fairly well and the wireless feature is super. |
Jeff 25.11.2015 |
Being a longtime fan of Lightspeed the Zulu, when I saw the ad for Lightspeed Tango on Friday, Nov 13th, I thought it was my lucky day. While I have owned many headsets and flown with most of the major brands, when I first tried the Zulu in 2008 I was won over and have been flying with a Zulu nearly every flight hour since. While I typically shy away from the first generation of new technology, the thought of going cordless caused a brief lapse of sanity and I took the plunge. The headset arrived Monday. Taking them out of the box, at first glance it looks like the Tango borrow in fit and style from the Lightspeed Sierra. While the Zulu has a metal headband and ear cups, the Tango has plastic and look similar to the Sierra. The proprietary 3.7v 1150mAh 4.3w lithium ion batteries look similar to other batteries of this type so nothing unusual there. One battery is for the headset, one is for the panel interface. They are interchangeable and note that you will now have two units to turn on and off. While I have concerns about the longevity of the ingenious battery cover, set up was easy and the batteries seem to have come nearly fully charged. You can read the tech reviews online so I will mostly forgo already known information, however note that the battery cover needs to be opened to charge the headset via the included mini USB cables using the 100-240 input 5v 2.4amp DC output wall charger. That will be a daily occurrence for many pilots. Coincidentally there is a cut out in the battery box cover over the mini USB port, however the cutout is covered by the plastic trim on the top of the cover. One could imagine cutting a small portion of the trim away to expose the port, slightly degrading the exterior looks but making opening the cover each time to charge the headset unnecessary. The roughly 8x2x1.5 panel interface contains the second battery, interface and back up cables, other features and an exposed mini usb port for charging. With just a few exceptions, like a battery change, it looks like you should not need to open up this unit. Non Flying Test The headset Bluetooth syncd to both my iPhone 3GS and iPad 2 mini quickly and I was off and running for a non-flying test of going wireless. Phone calls over the headphones worked as expected, however as noted in the included information manual, you will need to keep the phone and the interface in close proximity when using Bluetooth. As far as headset range, I tested the headset/ panel wireless connection around a 2200 sq foot two story house with degradation in connection only at the extreme ends of the house. Assuming I will be always within a few feet of the interface while flying, I do not anticipate any problems. The only side by side comparison I can give is to my original Lightspeed Zulu so here it goes. From a weight standpoint, holding my Zulus in one and hand the Tangos in the other, the weight difference was not distinguishable. Putting them on our zeroed but un-calibrated analog postage scale, I measured the following: the Tangos were 17.5 oz, the Zulus 14 oz with the headset only, but 20oz with battery box, cables and 2 AA batteries installed. I have flown some very long days with Zulu headsets and greatly appreciate the comfort, the Tango feels very comfortable as well, however I will follow up with a report in a few months after a few long cross countries. Music �? While not the main reason for purchasing an expensive aviation headset, I have spent many hours listening to music with the Bluetooth feature of the Zulu. With this in mind I completed a side by side test with my original Zulu and the Tango. With the Zulus syncd to an iPhone 3GS and the Tangos Syncd to an iPad 2 mini, a side by side comparison test of Vivaldis Violin Concerto in E Op 8/1 RV 269, Linger by the Cranberries, Now that Ive Found You by Alison Krause, and Hero by Skillet, revealed a nearly indistinguishable sound quality, in spite of the Zulus having bass boost and other music settings. Both gave a beautifully rich robust sound that I really enjoy. If you have trouble with the auto off function cutting short your music playtime, note the manual tells you how to turn off this function. After a couple of hours of use it took less than 30 minutes to bring both the batteries back to a full charge. I tried a longer test, leaving the interface on overnight (approximately 8.5 hours) and it took the advertised 2 hours to fully charge it again. Flight Test My first flight with the Tango was 1.5 hours in a 1999 Cessna 172S, I have subsequently added another 1.4 hours. The module plugs into the headset jacks and tucks neatly into the side pocket. Once the power button is pushed on both the module and the headset you are up and running. One thing to note, how you hear your voice over the intercom in the headset is different on a wireless vs. a wired intercom. I contacted Lightspeed concerned about the difference and they gave me some pointers on adjusting volume and mike gain to help optimize the clarity and confirmed this different sound is normal. As far as ear seals over glasses, I fly with sunglasses and the Tangos still fit great. The ANR function was equally as good as the Zulu and after a few minutes you forget there is anything unique about the Tango, they just fit great and work well. After 45 minutes of flight I tested the backup cable. The backup cable consists of a 1/8 jack coiled into the interface module and ready for quick connection. I easily accomplished this without taking the headset off. Once plugged in, the backup cable disables the ANR function and you are back to wired passive noise cancelling headset. I found the passive noise cancelling of the Tango superior to the passive cancelling of my Zulus and flew for 10 minutes or so without ANR quite comfortably. Understanding that I was in a 172 and the ear seals on the Tango are new and my Zulus have never had the ear seals replaced, the difference in wear may account for the difference in noise reduction but I am not certain. Overall the Tangos are comfortable and seamless in their interface. I think they are a great headset for someone looking to eliminate some wiring from the cockpit. If you fly aerobatics or float planes where headset cords could impede egress, I highly recommend switching to the Tango. |
Rick N 06.07.2018 |
I bought this headset because I got sick and tired of buying new headsets! Cables caught, cut, frayed, fatigued, and disintegrated over time. Circuit boards dislodged/damaged from yanked chords etc. Iâ??m the careful type, but sh_t happens! Review: - Noise handling: 4/5 Great, but not good for high frequency noise esp. wind whistle. (Problem solved with Oregon Ear Seals, which bump my rating up to 5/5). - Comfort: 3/5 Itâ??s a bit heavier on the head and neck than other headsets. I have a strong neck from regular neck training and long days can still be uncomfortable...but the freedom and convenience of being wireless is an easy trade off for me. However, this is a comfort rating and not a convenience rating. (Oregon Aero Headband bumps the rating up one to 4/5.) - Speech clarity: 3/5 Should have been 4/5 if it werenâ??t for the fact that my mic came installed back to front from what the manual recommended. Also, sounded a bit like a Transformer robot (Starscream) most of the time. Guess what? Problem solved with an Oregon Aero mic cover, which brought speech clarity to a perfect 5. Sound clarity: 5/5 - Lightspeed is good like that. Durability: 5/5, but ONLY with Oregon Aero earseals. I had the original Zulu years ago when it just got out on the market. Earseals lasted 6 months at a time. Not good for $1000 plus headset. I bought the new Tango thinking that surely by now they wouldâ??ve fixed this issue, but no. They havenâ??t. (Come on Lightspeed! What gives!) Oregon Aero ear seals arenâ??t as comfy but they last forever. Convenience: 5/5 hands down. - Absolutely worth all the other issues. I use it for noise protection outside the cockpit as well. Sure you may look strange but who cares. Besides the weight Cockpit experience is fantastic. Oxygen drills have never been easier. When thereâ??s an issue in the Cabin or Outside, I can go sort it out and keep my crew mate in the loop. - Frequently having to charge it up is no big deal for me. Everyone charges their smart phone daily so no big deal. (Ironically, I have a dumb phone that only needs charging every two weeks). So IMHO, Tango plus Oregon Aero headset upgrade kit equals a very effective headset that should last forever... and then my mic failed last week. I donâ??t know if itâ??s a part failure or faults in aircraft avionics that cooked it. But itâ??s not working anymore. That said, up until last week Iâ??ve been using my headset for almost a couple of years now with no problems since the Oregon Aero upgrade. Also, great service from Pilotshop.com. Thanks guys, most suppliers donâ??t offer courier delivery to small countries like mine, thanks for offering the service pilotshop.com ! ð??Âð?½ð??Âð??Âð?½ You rock! |
A B 02.07.2020 |
I love not having a cord to the headset. Bluetooth is perfect. Sound quality is great. |
Ответ:No, this headset is not TSO'd. Check with your employer for your specific regulations. General aviation does not require pilots to use a TSO'd headset.
Ответ:The panel interface is neither Bluetooth nor wifi. This is new technology developed by Lightspeed. All 6 headsets can be connected simultaneously with no problems. Each headset and interface have a slot for a colored tab. Choose one of the 6 included colored tabs to identify each headset. Once the headset and interface have been paired you are not able to unpair or connect to another device.
Ответ:There are different FCC regulations for different countries regarding frequencies. Please see the "Country Reference" tab to select the correct unit for your application. If your country is not listed in the tab, Lightspeed recommends ordering the North / South America version.
Ответ:If you do not see your country listed in the tab, Lightspeed advises ordering the North / South America model.
Ответ:Correct. Each wireless headset requires it's own panel connection box. That is the purpose if the color coded tags that are supplied with the headset. If the airplane will have more than one wireless headset in use, you should use the color tags to tag each headset and each connection box so that you are sure each pilot, co-pilot and passenger is wearing the correct headset.
Ответ:No, the panel interface houses the Bluetooth equipment and is required to operate.
Ответ:This offer is already available. You can trade up to the Tango now. Please keyword search "Headset Buyback Program" for current trade-in values for your Zulu .2s.
Ответ:Yes, you can receive ATC clearance and use the headset simultaneously using Bluetooth. Yes, both music and cell phone service can be bluetoothed to the Tango headset.
Ответ:Yes, the stock that we have is the newer model with the external charging port.
Ответ:Yes, the receiver is equipped with a 3.5 mm jack.
Ответ:No, for Helicopters with a single U-174 jack, please order part # 11-14068.
Ответ:No, this will not interface to the EQ Link.
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Артикул: 11-01846
16838 14032 руб.
Есть в наличии у нашего поставщика. Доставка на наш склад в течение 5...6 недель после оплаты Вами заказа.
от 354955 295796 руб.
Есть в наличии у нашего поставщика. Доставка на наш склад в течение 5...6 недель после оплаты Вами заказа.
Артикул: 11-11515
141982 118319 руб.
Есть в наличии у нашего поставщика. Доставка на наш склад в течение 5...6 недель после оплаты Вами заказа.
Артикул: 11-02214
62150 51792 руб.
Есть в наличии у нашего поставщика. Доставка на наш склад в течение 5...6 недель после оплаты Вами заказа.
от 1117652 931377 руб.
Есть в наличии у нашего поставщика. Доставка на наш склад в течение 5...6 недель после оплаты Вами заказа.
Артикул: 11-14075
9089 7574 руб.
Есть в наличии у нашего поставщика. Доставка на наш склад в течение 5...6 недель после оплаты Вами заказа.
Артикул: 11-08043
8829 7357 руб.
Есть в наличии у нашего поставщика. Доставка на наш склад в течение 5...6 недель после оплаты Вами заказа.
Артикул: 11-08575
768 640 руб.
Есть в наличии у нашего поставщика. Доставка на наш склад в течение 5...6 недель после оплаты Вами заказа.
Артикул: 11-14868
233776 194814 руб.
Есть в наличии у нашего поставщика. Доставка на наш склад в течение 5...6 недель после оплаты Вами заказа.
от 5188 4324 руб.
Есть в наличии. Отправка к Вам в тот же день, если оплата заказа сделана до 14-00 Московского времени.
от 10909 9091 руб.
Есть в наличии у нашего поставщика. Доставка на наш склад в течение 5...6 недель после оплаты Вами заказа.
Артикул: 11-01255
4343 3619 руб.
Есть в наличии у нашего поставщика. Доставка на наш склад в течение 5...6 недель после оплаты Вами заказа.
Артикул: 11-07069
2328 1940 руб.
Есть в наличии у нашего поставщика. Доставка на наш склад в течение 5...6 недель после оплаты Вами заказа.
143022 119185 руб.