Jet Shadesâ?¢ Cirrus Rear Skylight

Артикул: 13-22075

129760 108134 руб.

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The Cirrus Storage Area Solution cools off your Cirrus by preventing heat and solar energy from entering your aircraft through the storage areas. Use during flights and leave on the ground* to not only block solar energy from the storage area, but prevent sun glare on your passengers and their tablets as well keep them comfortable in flight.

Even if your skylight is already tinted from the factory, you?ll still see a significant difference (owners have reported greater than 20 degrees!) with the Storage Area Solution installed. And if you use a portable A/C device, just blocking the heat and solar energy from the skylight will improve the performance of your unit.

Made from Jet Shades Premium material, the Cirrus Storage Area Solution offers more protection and provides additional cooling for passengers. And it has a blue tint on the inside and a mirrored look on the outside that will turn heads.