Артикул: 11-15209
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The echoUAT is a Class B1S ADS-B UAT transmitter coupled with a dual-link 1090MHZ / UAT receiver. An integrated Wi-Fi system transmits traffic and weather to popular Electronic Flight-Bag (EFB) applications on iOS and Android, including ForeFlight Mobile. Direct interface support for common EFIS systems such as Dynon SkyView, GRT and MGL. A zero-install, internal wireless monitor decodes replies from legacy Mode C transponders for maximum retro-fit capability. Extensive position source compatibility, including the uAvionix SKYFYX GPS. The echoUAT meets the performance requirements of 14 CFR 91.227. SkyFYX combines a high precision WAAS GNSS sensor with an integrated RAIM processor. Resilient against jamming, spoofing and GPS range errors?SkyFYX provides reliable navigation in challenging environments. SkyFYX is the most affordable ADS-B rule-compliant position source companion for the echoUAT ADS-B transceiver. The SkyFYX meets the performance requirements of 14 CFR 91.227. For use in Experimental and LSA aircraft. |