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Артикул: 11-18019
1326204 1105170 руб.
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The AeroCruze 100 is an affordable and flexible digital autopilot system for Cessna 172, 175, 177, 180, 182, and 185 aircraft. The AeroCruze100 provides a seamless integration with the AeroVue Touch EFIS as well as a variety of other manufacturers. The complete system is offered at a low cost, with the choice of three form-factor variations:
Emergency autopilot level button helps to bring the aircraft to a wings-level position. Connects to either hand-held GPS or IFR panel mount GPS systems. When connected to hand-held GPS, follows programmed flight plans. When connected to panel mount GPS, autopilot follows roll steering commands to fly complex flight plans Similar to lane assist in automobiles, the AEP stand-by mode monitors aircraft bank angle. Autopilot corrects the bank angles greater than 45 degrees by automatic roll command. |
I purchased and in stalled this same Auto Pilot 2 years ago. Then under Trutrax name in my 1965 Cherokee 180. This was the best move I could have ever made. IFR flying is so much easier and %100 safer. The Auto Pilot is very stable and solid. Easy to setup Holds altitude and direction effortlessly. In GPSS mode it is very stable and responsive. On approaches if you have LPV GPS It will fly the approach right down to touch down. But I dont advise that. Flying ATC radar vectors and altitudes are a snap. Flying Cross Country its the best. Ive put 120 hrs of Cross Country on the unit without a hint of trouble. For what it does its far cheaper than other more expensive Auto Pilots that perform the same tasks. Go to Flight Aware and search for N8083W. Youll see how stable the system flies
Michael S 29.03.2020 |
I purchased and in stalled this same Auto Pilot 2 years ago. Then under Trutrax name in my 1965 Cherokee 180. This was the best move I could have ever made. IFR flying is so much easier and %100 safer. The Auto Pilot is very stable and solid. Easy to setup Holds altitude and direction effortlessly. In GPSS mode it is very stable and responsive. On approaches if you have LPV GPS It will fly the approach right down to touch down. But I dont advise that. Flying ATC radar vectors and altitudes are a snap. Flying Cross Country its the best. Ive put 120 hrs of Cross Country on the unit without a hint of trouble. For what it does its far cheaper than other more expensive Auto Pilots that perform the same tasks. Go to Flight Aware and search for N8083W. Youll see how stable the system flies |
Ответ:The AeroCruze 100 system includes: autopilot controller / sensor unit, roll servo, pitch servo, mounting brackets, required AN hardware, emergency level switch, and wiring harness. This is nearly everything required for a complete installation. The only additional things required are: circuit breaker, pitot / static fittings, and the control wheel steering / emergency disconnect button (yoke mounted, RED, momentary contact, normally open, push button.) These additional items can be purchase from Aircraft Spruce.
Ответ:YES! The BendixKing / TruTrak AeroCruze 100 autopilot is now available for select certified and all experimental aircraft. This is the same product as the TruTrak Vizion.
Ответ:There are many factors that go into determining how long an installation will take. Plus, labor rates vary significantly across the country / world. However, in general, an autopilot install in aircraft that hasnâ??t ever had an autopilot will usually take somewhere between 25 and 35 hours. At 20 to 30 hours that will usually cost between $2500 and $3500. When an existing 2-axis autopilot must be removed, expect this time to generally be around 35 to 45 hours.
Ответ:The dynamic performance of the entire line of xCruze / AeroCruze 100 autopilots is superior to that of any turn coordinator-based system. As a result of digital design these products can be easily configured in flight. This means that critical performance parameters such as system response can be easily optimized in flight. A single autopilot controller can fly a wide range of aircraft from the Lancair IV Turbine to the Kitfox or even a Cessna 172 or Piper PA28. These autopilots fly very well in turbulence. It is not necessary to turn off the autopilot in turbulence.
Ответ:The AeroCruze / xCruze 100 products are complete stand-alone autopilots and do not require interface to an external attitude source, as is the case with nearly all other autopilot products on the market today. While these autopilots do not require interface to an external attitude source, they can interface with the G5 or Aspen product lines.
Ответ:The only thing that aerobatics can do is cause an offset in the internal gyros. This can be corrected by a manual gyro-set operation.
Ответ:The current drain of the autopilot is approximately 1 amp per servo.
Ответ:The only thing that is required to get the full functionality of any of these autopilots is a GPS RS-232 signal. The RS-232 must be either NMEA 0183 (GPRMC and GPRMB sentence in the data string) or Aviation format. The desired update rate is every second, but the system will function at an update rate as slow as every other second. Additional capabilities and features are available with the addition of ARINC 429 (GPS Steering).
Ответ:While our autopilots are capable of operation in bank angle mode without a GPS signal it is highly recommended to couple to a GPS. Our autopilots are able to accept signals from a wide range of both current and legacy panel mounted and handheld GPS receivers.
Ответ:GPS Nav is similar to GPS Steering but not as sophisticated. GPS Nav signals are on the RS-232 output (GPRMC and GPRMB sentence in the data string) from most GPSâ??s. This is the same RS-232 connection that is required for the autopilot to be functional so no additional wiring is necessary. Virtually all GPSâ??s (handhelds included) have the output that is required for GPS Nav. GPS Nav flies a preprogrammed route with multiple waypoints. The course intercept feature of GPS Nav allows the autopilot to seamlessly intercept courses regardless of the aircraftâ??s initial direction of flight. When the last waypoint is flown over the autopilot reverts to the track mode. All of the Vizion / xCruze / AeroCruze 100 autopilots have GPS Nav Mode.
Ответ:GPS Steering is a new way to fly a flight plan that is programmed into a GPS. Some GPSâ??s have the required output for GPS Steering. With GPS Steering the GPS calculates a desired bank angle for the autopilot to fly. There is no overshoot of the desired course in any course change. GPS Steering allows the autopilots to fly complex patterns such as holding patterns and DME arcs with stunning precision.
Ответ:GPS Nav does not anticipate a course change. Thus when one leg is finished the autopilot has to intercept the next leg after over flying the waypoint. With GPS Steering the autopilot does not have to intercept the new leg because it starts intercepting procedure before reaching the waypoint so that when the intercept turn is complete the aircraft will be on the next leg. GPS Steering will also fly complex turns such as DME arcs and holding patterns. If you want the increased capability of GPS Steering you must be sure that your GPS supports GPS Steering.
Ответ:Most panel GPS that are IFR certified BendixKing AeroNav product line, Avidyne IFD product line, Garmin 250/300XL, Garmin GNC 430/530, 480, Garmin GTN 650/750, Garmin GPS 175, Garmin GNX 375, Garmin GNC 355, Apollo GX50/55/60/65 and, King KLN 90/90B, Sierra Flight Systems, Chelton Flight System, and Grand Rapids EFIS. In most cases the signal used for GPS Steering is the ARINC 429 Roll Steering signal, however the Apollo GX50/55/60/65 units provide GPS Steering over the RS-232 line.
Ответ:Coupling the autopilot to a hand-held GPSâ??s interface RS-232 must be either NMEA 0183 (GPRMC and GPRMB sentence in the data string) or Aviation format. The desired update rate is every second, but the system will function at an update rate as slow as every other second. Most new handheld units have fast update rates and reliable output, and will couple with the autopilot very well.
Ответ:Our installations are very simple in most aircraft. We have installation manuals for the more popular aircraft. We are continuously working to add new aircraft to our list. All Trutrak autopilots are shipped with connectors. If a harness is desired, this can be purchased directly from Aircraft Spruce. For certified aircraft, wiring harnesses are included with the install kit as well as full instructions and all mounting brackets.
Ответ:The control wheel switch is a momentary low contact switch mounted on the control wheel/stick. With the autopilot engaged, when the switch is held down for 1.5 seconds or more, the autopilot enters the control wheel steering mode. During the time that the switch is held down, the servo/servos will be disengaged and the pilot can manually fly to the new desired track. Upon release of the switch, the unit will synchronize to the track being flown at the time. All of the multi-axis with vertical speed capability will also synchronize to the vertical speed being flown at the time of control wheel switch release. A momentary push and release of the control wheel switch will disengage the autopilot.
Ответ:The AeroCruze 100 system includes: autopilot controller / sensor unit, roll servo, pitch servo, mounting brackets, required AN hardware, emergency level switch, and wiring harness. This is nearly everything required for a complete installation. The only additional things required are: circuit breaker, pitot / static fittings, and the control wheel steering / emergency disconnect button (yoke mounted, RED, momentary contact, normally open, push button.) These additional items can be purchase from Aircraft Spruce.
Ответ:It does not come automatically in the box. The STC paperwork is available and can be requested at time of order.
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