от 572088 476740 руб.

до 605894 504911 руб.

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Note: The part numbers available on this page are not the FAA STC Approved D10A's that are coming soon. Part numbers listed here are intended for install in experimental aircraft only.

For STC'd version, please click here

Dynon's EFIS-D10A is the most popular Electronic Flight Information System on the market today. This instrument fits into a standard 3-1/8" panel hole, making it an ideal candidate for replacing vacuum and electric attitude indicators.

This innovative design consolidates all your flight instruments into a sunlight-readable, 4? diagonal, color LCD. Key safety features include Dynon's optional Angle-of Attack/ Pitot design that alerts pilots of potential stall conditions and an optional Li-ion backup battery which will keep the instrument running for 2 hours in the event of a power bus failure.

  • Attitude Indicator
  • Airspeed Indicator
  • Altimeter
  • Vertical Speed Indicator
  • Gyro-Stabilized
  • Turn Coordinator /Ball
  • Compass HeadingTurn Rate
  • Clock/Timer
  • G-MeterVoltmeter
  • Angle-of-Attack(w/ optional Dynon AOA pitot)
  • HSI
  • Serial altitude encoder output to your transponder

Includes 15 solid-state sensors all inside the instrument housing eliminating any complicated installation problems. If desired, an optional external compass /magnetometer and outside air temperature probe may be added to your system.