Accessories for MVP Packages |
Model | Description | Part No. |
USB-64 | USB Memory Stick, 64MB or larger, Used to upload and download data to the MVP | 10-03186 |
CP-1-MVP | LED Intensity Control Pot. External pot used to control the display intensity. | 10-03211 |
EDC-33T | Turbroprop/ Jet Engine Data Converter. Adding a second EDC to the MVP allows. Additional pressures, annunciators and other functions to be monitored on the MVP (uses the Input Port 3 on the MVP). | 10-03185 |
| Display Unit ONLY - May Be used to display parameters in a second location. | 10-03202 |
Temperature Probes & Modules |
Model | Description | Part No. |
P-100-MVP |  CHT Probe Screw-in Type (3/8"-24), Standard with most EI CHT instruments. Can be used in a pressure environment, 700°F Max.
| 10-03212 |
P-101MVP |  CHT Probe Military Bayonet Type, 1/4 Turn Locking for quick removal. To be used with the A-101 Adaptor, 700°F Max. | 10-03213 |
A-101MVP |  CHT Adaptor for P-101 Probe, 3/8?-24 | 10-03216 |
P-102-18-MVP |  CHT PROBE, 18 mm. Gasket Type 700°F Max. | 10-03214 |
P-102-14-MVP | CHT PROBE, 14 mm. Gasket Type 700°F Max. | 10-03217 |
P-102-12-MVP | CHT PROBE, 12 mm. Gasket Type 700°F Max. | 10-03218 |
P-102-3/8-MVP | CHT PROBE, 3/8" Piggy-Back Gasket Type 700°F Max. | 10-03219 |
P-110-MVP | EGT/TIT PROBE, Hose Clamp Type. Used with 13/64" Hole. Std w/ most kits. Wt: 1.6 oz. | 10-03220 |
P-110-F-MVP |  Fast Response EGT/TIT Probe, Hose Clamp Type. Requires a .130" hole. Optional with most EGT pkgs. Weight: 1.3 oz. | 10-03221 |
P-111-MVP | | 10-03222 |
P-111-F-MVP | Fast Response TIT probe, 1/8? NPT, .187? D | 10-03223 |
P-112-MVP |  EGT/TIT Probe, 7/16" - 20, with Adjustable Depth. (AlsO approved for Oil Temp) | 10-03224 |
P-114-MVP | EGT/TIT Probe, 1/4" NPT, with Adjustable Depth. (Also approved for Oil Temp) | 10-03225 |
P-114-F-MVP | Fast Response EGT/TIT Probe, 1/4" NPT, with Adjustable Depth. (Also approved for Oil Temp) | 10-03226 |
P-120-MVP |  Oil Temp Probe Can be used in a pressure environment, 700°F Max. | 10-03227 |
P-128-MVP | OAT/CARB Temp Probe. FAST Response/Exposed Tip, Uses a Precision connector, 700°F Max. | 10-03228 |
P-104-MVP |  Universal Probe Used to measure surface temperatures, 700°F Max. | 10-03229 |
| One 6 ft TC harness w/ crimped D-Sub pins. Use to interface any temperature Probe to the MVP system. Specify length at time of order. | 10-03192 |
Pressure Transducers & Modules (Each include a Ccl-4D-6' Harness when ordered with the MVP-50 or MVP-50T |
| | |
| Pressure Transducer, 1/8? NPT Male 0 to 40 PSI, Max. Over Pressure 90 PSI, Burst Pressure 120 PSI, Shock 100g, Material 316L stainless steel, 8 oz. | 10-03232 |
| Presssure Transducer, 1/8? Male, 0 to 120 PSI, Max. Over Pressure 300 PSI, Burst Pressure 400 PSI, Shock 100g, Material 316L stainless steel, 8 oz. | 10-03233 |
| Pressure Transducer, 1/8? NPT Male,> 0 to 300 PSI, Max. Over Pressure 900 PSI, Burse Pressure 1200 PSI, Shock 100g, Material 316L stainless steel, 8oz. | 10-03235 |
| Pressure Transducer for Hydraulics, 1/8" NPT Male, 0 to 3000 PSI, Max. Over Pressure 9000 PSI, Burst Pressure 10000 PSI, Shock 100g, Material 316L stainless steel, 8 oz. | 10-03236 |
| Absolute Pressure Transducer, 0 to 36 In Hg (Manifold Press or Cabin Altitude) | 10-03238 |
| Altitude Transducer | 10-03239 |
| Absolute Pressure Transducer, 0 to 70 In Hg (Manifold Pressure) | 10-03240 |
| Differential Pressure Transducer, 0 to 60 In Hg (Vac Pressure or Cabin Diff Pressure) | 10-03241 |
| Differential Pressure Transducer, 0 to 5 In H20 | 10-03242 |
| Allows an EDC temperature channel to measure a pressure (operates w/ any EI MVP Pressure Transducer). Pressure transducer sold separately. | |
DPIM-1-30-MVP | Differential Pressure Interface Module for aircraft that require fuel pressure to be Measured in reference to the upper deck. Includes a PT-30GA pressure transducer to measure the upper deck pressure. | 10-03205 |
CBL-4D-6' | One 6? 4-wire cable with crimped D-Sub pins. Used to interface any pressure transducer, fuel flow transducer or fuel level probe to the MVP system. | 10-03183 |
Fuel Flow Transducers & Modules |
| | |
| Fuel Flow Transducer (Red Cube), .6 to 70+ GPH | 10-01196 |
| Fuel Flow Transducer (Gold Cube), 3 to 125+ GPH | 10-01224 |
| Fuel Flow Transducer (Black Cube), 5 to 250+ GPH | 10-01197 |
| Fuel Flow Differential Module for aircraft w/ a pressure carburetor. Includes FT-60 or FT-90 transducer to measure the returned fuel. Please Choose the FT-60 or FT-90 at time of your order. | 10-03244 |
FFDM-1-MVP-FT90 | 10-03245 |
FM-FLOW-P | Measures Fuel Flow from a pulsed injector signal. | 10-03206 |
| | |
| Resistive Fuel Level Module. Must be used w/ EI?s ?EDC? to measure up to 4 Resistive Fuel Level Sensors. | 10-02772 |
RFLM-4--24 | 10-03231 |
P-300C 10-03194 | 3/4? Capacitive Fuel Level Probe w/ Accessories. (see our Accessories Page for details.) Specify Probe length at time of order. | 10-00382 |
P-300C-Mini-1/8? | 3/16? Capacitive Fuel Level Probe (see the Accessories Page for details) | 10-03193 |
| |
Volts & Amps Modules & Shunts |
FM-VA-MVP-50 |  Volts/Amps Module. Allows any temperature or pressure channel on EI?s EDC to measure Voltage and Current on a separate bus. Comes w/ an S-50 or S-300 shunt. | 10-03247 |
FM-VA-MVP-300 | 10-03248 |
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VI-221 | Voltage Interface Unit. Allows any temperature or fuel level channel on our EDC to measure the output voltage of any device. This voltage measurement can then be used to drive an annunciator (Canopy Latch, Gear Lights, Baggage Door, etc.) that will be displayed on the MVP screen. | 10-03187 |