Toughguard-aero® Exterior Paint Protection Kits

от 25679 21400 руб.

до 114418 95348 руб.

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Toughguard?s Aviation? Nano Paint Coating Product is known for protecting some of the world?s most recognizable and prized military, commercial, corporate and private aircrafts. Toughguard?s? Nano paint coating has met or exceeded industry specifications and proved to be a reliable, safe product that can be counted on in a wide variety of applications. Test results have proven durability and performance levels and have concluded that aircraft protected with Toughguard? will have a greater resistance to the buildup of harmful environmental elements such as; rain erosion, UV damage, soot and carbon buildup, pollutant & chemical damage and bird/insect residues.

Toughguard?s? distinct advantage comes from the exclusive proprietary formulations that are truly unique in composition, validated by laboratory tests and satisfied customers who have come to rely on and expect the consistent and dependable durability that has become synonymous with Toughguard?.

Boeing recently released a study (Aero Magazine QTR_01 13) proving that maintaining a clean aircraft has many benefits including; reduction of ?fuel burn penalties?, corrosion control and positive corporate branding. Thousands of gallons of fuel can be saved by maintaining clean aircrafts. The use of Toughguard? allows operators to maintain cleaner aircrafts for longer periods of time reducing; down time, labor costs and chemical costs.

Note: ToughGuard-Aero products meets or exceed the requirements and specifications of Boeing, Airbus, Douglas Aircraft Company and AMS (Aerospace Material Specifications).