Works as advertised. Slot for the belt clip was molded a little too tight compared to an ICom NiMh battery, but a couple swipes with a small file fixed that.
Only 4 stars for now. Just got the battery. Battery holds voltage after a few transmit operations on handheld. Good replacement.
It seems to be well built, but I failed to notice that 6 batteries is nominally 9 volts. It is replacing a NiMH 9.6 volt battery pack, which would report low at 9 volts. And that is exactly what new batteries in this pack will get you -- a low battery indication. However, it worked when I needed it! My old NiMH pack died just as I pushed the transmit button. Made the switch and the pack worked well for the few minutes I used it. So, yes, I am happy that I purchased it. Thrilled -- no. For me, it is mostly a AA battery holder that can act as a backup battery pack in a pinch.