Propeller Mccauley Governor Dcfs290d9 Series

от 99288 82740 руб.

до 393677 328065 руб.

Наличие: Проверяйте наличие по каждому товару


Артикул Название Цена за ед. Кол-во Цена
05-04719 QUALITY CORE 99288 82740 руб. 00 руб.
05-04745 DCFS290D9 MCCAULEY PROP GOVERNOR 393677 328065 руб. 00 руб.

Итого: 00 руб.


A governor is defined as a mechanical device which is used to sense the speed of a motive device and maintain its speed using mechanical feedback. Quality Aircraft Accessories has been overhauling Prop Governors for over ten years. Whether your requirement is for a Woodward, McCauley or Hartzell, feathering, Quality Aircraft Accessories has most governor models available on an overhaul/exchange basis. Should you prefer to purchase the Prop Governor "outright", please add the core charge to the exchange price.

Overhaul work is preformed by Quality Aircraft Accessories at their facility in Tulsa, Oklahoma. All overhauled Prop Governors are warranted for material and workmanship for a period of 180 days.

Core Price:$400.00