Lord round instrument panel shock mount, as used in Cessna aircraft. Overall length 1-1/4". Rubber molded on 8-32 threaded projections. New manufacture.
These match the originals in my 1956 Cessna 172 and have brass threads. I like having the matching replacements. Would give a 5 star but the cost is high in my opinion ($9.50). The round steel ones for $2.60 work also but might mess with your compass. Nice mounts BUT PRICEY!!
Cindy M
We use thiiese a lot. Great for most jobs that we do.
Rex M
Bens M
Great shock mount, Its used in many aircraft, we always keep a dozen in stock to keep our customers flying
They are perfect, would be better if the hardware (washers,nuts) came with it.
I replace 6 broken instrument panel lord shock mounts and the new 1s were just like the old 1s but not broken