Cessna Carburetor Heat Repair Kits

от 154464 128720 руб.

до 239237 199364 руб.

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Артикул Название Цена за ед. Кол-во Цена
05-18513 MCFARLANE CCH-KT-2 CESSNA CARB. HEAT REPAIR KITS 154464 128720 руб. 00 руб.
05-18572 MCFARLANE CCH-KT-1 CESSNA CARB. HEAT REPAIR KITS 166426 138688 руб. 00 руб.
05-18573 MCFARLANE CCH-KT-3 CESSNA CARB. HEAT REPAIR KITS 174747 145623 руб. 00 руб.
05-18611 MCFARLANE CCH-KT-4 CESSNA CARB. HEAT REPAIR KITS 239237 199364 руб. 00 руб.
05-18657 MCFARLANE CCH-KT-7 CESSNA CARB. HEAT REPAIR KITS 191910 159925 руб. 00 руб.
05-18677 MCFARLANE CCH-KT-5 CESSNA CARB. HEAT REPAIR KITS 197111 164259 руб. 00 руб.
05-18678 MCFARLANE CCH-KT-9 CESSNA CARB. HEAT REPAIR KITS 171627 143022 руб. 00 руб.
05-18818 MCFARLANE CCH-KT-10 CESSNA CARB. HEAT REPAIR KITS 202052 168376 руб. 00 руб.
05-18819 MCFARLANE CCH-KT-11 CESSNA CARB. HEAT REPAIR KITS 203612 169677 руб. 00 руб.

Итого: 00 руб.


Unique Elastomer Bearing Replaces Needle Bearing
Elastomer bearing is assembled with tension between the mating surfaces. This tension prevents micro-movement and its related metal erosion. The bearing contact area that transfers vibration motion from the heat box to the butterfly shaft is hundreds of times greater than that of the original needle bearing. This large surface effectively prevents localized metal erosion.
  • Absorbs shaft and butterfly vibration
  • Eliminates needle bearing failures
  • Increases service life of all components
  • Direct replacement for original parts
Proven Design
? Tested to over 700,000 cycles while exposed to avgas, heat and vibration without any change in performance
? Extremely rugged and wear resistant in high temperature and fuel environments

? Discontinued part numbers through the factory are manufactured by McFarlane
? Also available in kits containing the shaft, arm, bearing housings, monel rivets, and roll pin