Flight Data System Fc-10 With Ft-90 Transducer

от 64750 53959 руб.

до 153164 127637 руб.

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Flow: Instantaneous Display of Fuel Flow
Used: Fuel Used
Remaining: Fuel Remaining
Endurance: Time or Distance Remaining
Required: Fuel Required to Active GPS Waypoint
Reserve: Fuel or Time Remaining at Active GPS Waypoint
Efficiency:Miles Per Gallon (or Liter) Displays Fuel Flow and Fuel Used for Engine
Size: 2-1/4" Panel Mount

This unit comes packaged with an EI FT-90 Flow Transducer. It is for use in aircraft with gravity-fed fuel systems, or between 350 and 500 HP. For engine-driven fuel pumps and up to 350 HP, please view the "Alternate Items" tab for kits equipped with the FT-60 Flow Transducer.