Kuntzleman Triple Magnum 3 Light Strobes

от 59810 49841 руб.

до 156024 130020 руб.

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The TRIPLE MAGNUM 3 LIGHT STROBE Driver is a 12 volt DC operated system. It fires 3 strobe heads in a double wink pattern. The two wing tip lights alternate between left and right while the tail, or third light is synchronized to flash every time one of the wing tips are flashing. Resulting in about 140 flashes per minute.
The driver box measures 4 1/2" X 7" X 1 1/2" and weighs 17.2 ounces. The current draw with 3 standard heads is about 3 amps. If using two COMBO heads and one standard head it is about 3 3/4 Amps . This makes it the most power conservative triple strobe system on the market.

The STREAMLINE COMBO heads are fitted with LED position lights. RED for left wing, GREEN for right wing, and each have a WHITE in the backside of the head for rear. These heads are machined form solid aluminum and anodize plated. Measuring 3 ¼" X 1" and weighing 2.8 ounces. They surface mount the same as the Standard Streamline head and here is a great feature, the 12 volt LEDs draw only 1/3 Amp of power per head.

Kit #2 For builders of RV 7, 9, & 10 aircraft or any other kit that has like mounted wing lights. Due to the wing light configuration on these aircraft, the white rear facing LED on the regular Combo head is of no use, because it can?t be seen from the rear. A white position or tail light is then needed.
A set of special heads. They are STROBE and RED / GREEN Position light equipped heads WITHOUT the white LEDs, a 3 strobe driver box, that fires both wing strobes in an alternating double wink pattern and a third STROBE and LED equipped round tail light for mounting at the rear of the aircraft. The tail strobe fires in sync with each wing. Also, included is 75 feet of 5 conductor shielded wire, plugs, pins and mounting hardware. Total power draw for this system is about 4 Amps at 14 volts.