20/20 Swipe Plastic Cleaner & Polish

от 1951 1626 руб.

до 14238 11865 руб.



Easy To Use Speed Cleaner & Polish

20/20 SWIPE?s easy spray on / wipe off application is fast and thorough. Lubricating oil, grease, soil, bird droppings and insect carcasses are wiped away with minimal pressure leaving a streak free, clear transparency. 20/20 SWIPE cleans without scratching and will not affect painted surfaces or other aircraft material. Its unique formula assures even coverage in sun or shade.

Formulated specifically for aircraft transparent plastic windows, 20/20 SWIPE has been used on military aircraft for decades. Meeting MIL-C-18767A(ASG) and AMS 1535C specifications, 20/20 SWIPE is popular with many government agencies, and a favorite of helicopter pilots, air racers, and motorcyclists, among many others.

Benefits Beyond Clean Regular polishing with 20/20 SWIPE delivers additional benefits. Its UV protectant formula inhibits UV induced crazing and discoloration. It also deposits an anti-static barrier prohibiting dust, ash, lint, and other atmospheric particulates from statically adhering to transparency surfaces.

Additional Uses
  • Plastic Automobile Convertible Top Windows
  • Truck Plastic Windows
  • Motorcycle Windshields
  • Boat Plastic Windows
  • Flexible Windows in Canvas Covers & Sidings
  • And More...