Falcon 3-1/8 Gauge Non-sensitive Altimeters

от 69418 57849 руб.

до 69678 58065 руб.

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Цена за ед.
10-03422 FALCON 3-1/8 ALTIMETER ALTN10INF-3 69418 57849 руб. 0.000.00 руб.
10-02252 FALCON 3-1/8 ALTIMETER ALTN10MBF-3 69418 57849 руб. 0.000.00 руб.
10-05100 FALCON ALTN6INF-3 ALTIMETER 69678 58065 руб. 0.000.00 руб.
10-02251 FALCON ALTN6MBF-3 ALTIMETER 69418 57849 руб. 0.000.00 руб.

Итого: 0.000.00 руб.


Falcon light weight altimeters feature a non-sensitive altimeter on a 3-1/8", single pointer, and a barometric window. A setting knob allows the pilot to set the barometric reading to the correct field elevation or barometric pressure setting. They are weight conservative, economical, yet very precision and accurate instruments that provide excellent altitude measuring capabilities; designed for ultra-light airplanes. 3-1/8" is non-sensitive. Standard Types are either feet reading with barometric window inches of mercury or millibars reading; or meters reading with barometric window millibars reading.

Length: 2-3/8". Weight: 10.7 oz

Made in China