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Don't become a victim of runway incursions! Are you familiar with the problem of "runway incursions?" Have you ever had a runway incursion? A runway incursion is "Any occurrence at an airport involving an aircraft, vehicle, person, or object on the ground that creates a collision hazard or results in a loss of separation with an aircraft taking off, intending to takeoff, landing, or intending to land." All pilots can agree on one fact: It?s easy to become disoriented, overloaded, or misunderstand communications when operating on the ground. Yet ground operations are one of the most critical phases of any flight. The fact is, runway and airport safety is getting worse. As of December 1, 2011, the number of runway incursions and other ground incidents is rising. What can you do to help ensure that you won't cause a runway incursion in the future? What can you do to help prevent being a victim of a runway incursion? Getting Around On The Ground? 3.0 With Airport Simulator? is the only interactive, multimedia tool available that teaches the types of airport markings, signage, and lighting. It also goes beyond simple technical knowledge by outlining hazards, safety tips, and procedures that will help keep you aware, knowledgeable, and safe on the ground. Now with airport simulator Learning the theory is one thing. Practicing it is another. That's where Airport Simulator comes in. Airport Simulator is a real-time, 3-D, virtual airport taxi simulator. Get the ATIS, exchange communications with Air Traffic Control, and follow taxi instructions including hold short and runway crossing tasks. The goal is to practice taxiing so as to NOT cause a runway incursion. Two airports and forty challenging taxi scenarios are included. And, there's no need for special hardware such as rudder pedals, because you control your aircraft with just a few keys on your keyboard. It's easy! Qualify for FAA WINGS credit! By completing all the content and taking the Final Exam, you can qualify to obtain credit for the FAA WINGS program. The WINGS program is a continuing education program for pilots, sponsored by the FAA. You'll not only learn to be a safer pilot on the airport surface?you'll also be able to prove your commitment to flight safety with your WINGS account. (Aviation Tutorials is a WINGS Training Provider.) Why you'll love it FAA WINGS credit Windows or Mac Unique training approach Stunning graphics and interactivity, shown from the pilot's perspective
Introduction Runway Markings Taxiway Markings Other Pavement Markings Holding Position Markings Mandatory Instruction Signs Location Signs Direction Signs Destination Signs Other Signs Airport Lighting Runway Status Light System Taxi Diagrams And Hotspots Ground Procedures Quick Tips Case Study Airport Simulator, with instructions and two airports Final Exam |