Great little chocks, and I mean LITTLE. I got them for my 150 with 6.00 x 6 wheels and they were really too small. the bungie was not long enough to reach around. good quality though - nice and light.
Chock is big enough and very light, but not enough elastic cord to fit around 6.00x6 tires on my PA32 Saratoga.
Harper G
Great little portable chocks. However be sure and order 2. The ad says pair and 1 pair per package. Personally I would consider a pair of chocks to be 4 actual chocks. I didnt read it as close as I should have.
Edward S
Light, small, easy to use, fits under the wheel pants and easy to stow. No complaints.
David H
We ordered three to use when aircraft is parked on public ramps while vacationing in The Caribbean... theyâ??re perfect for what we need.
Ollivier A
May be better not to mention one pair per package as there is only one set per package. Needs two sets for a pair of wheels ð???
Louis P
Couldnâ??t be happier. Super lightweight, perfect for carrying in the plane. The bungee strap gives me piece of mind while prop starting on tarmac.
The chocks are nice - be aware of the limitations of the language that separated two great countries. I didnt read the other comments until I decided to decipher why I didnt get what I thought I ordered. To me, the pair of chocks, as advertised, is a set of chocks. A set would do a wheel and a pair would take care of two wheels. This pair should keep one wheel stationary. Three lessons - read everything, dont make assumptions and dont order late at night.