AC Part Number/Our Part Number: | Approved Replacement For: | Eligibility:
| Teledyne Continental Motors Part No. 642438 as used in TCM alternators: 646843, 24V60A 646490, 24V60A 642055, 24V60A 649304, 24V100A 646491, 24V100A 642056, 24V100A | Teledyne Continental Motors IO-520, IO-550, TSIO-520, TSIO-550, and GTSIO-520 with gear driven alternators
| X-4087AC Single Row Ball Bearing Our P/N: 07-01828 $13.99
| Kelly Aerospace Power Systems Part No. X-4087 as used in Kelly alternators: ALT-9405 ALT-9422, -9522 ALU-9404, -9422, -9522 ALV-6403 ALV-8402 ALV-9401, -9405 ALV-9406, -9407 ALX-9404 series ALX-9405 ALX-9422 series ALX-9522 ALX-9424, -9524
| Textron Lycoming 360,540,720 series, TIGO-541 VO-435, GO-480.
Teledyne Continental Motors IO-520, IO-550, TSIO-520, and GTSIO-520 series with gear driven alternator ALU-9522, ALX-9522, ALX-9524;
Raytheon Aircraft Company Beechcraft D55, D55A, E55, E55A, 5B, 5BA, 95-C55, 95-C55A with ALT-9422 | X-4130AC Needle Bearing Our P/N: 07-01829

| Kelly Aerospace Power Systems Part No. X-4130 as used in Kelly alternators: ALE-6400, -6500 series ALE-8400, -8500 series ALH-5400, -5500 series ALT-8400, -8500 series ALT-9400, -9500 series ALU-6400, -6500 series ALU-8400, -8500 series ALU-9400, -9500 series ALX-6400, -6500 series ALX-8400, -8500 series ALX-9400, -9500 series ALY-6400, -6500 series ALY-8400, -8500 series ALZ-8400, -8500 series DOFF10300B DOFF10300D DOFF10300E DOFF10300F DOFF10300J ES4000 series EOFF10300AA E3FF10300AA EOFF10300BA E3FF10300BA 4111810
| Textron Lycoming O-235, 0-320, O- 360, IO-360, HIO-360, O-540, IO-540, IO-720 series, GO-480, VO-435, TIO-540-U2A, LTIO-540-U2A.
Teledyne Continental Motors IO-520-B,-C,-D, -F; TSIO-360-E,-F,-GB, -KB; LTSIO-360-E,-KB.
American Champion Aircraft Corp. - Bellanca 7ECA with Lyc O-235-C1, 7GCAA, 7GCBC, 7KCAB.
Raytheon Aircraft Company - Beechcraft D55, D55A, E55, E55A, E55B, E55BA, 95-C55, 95-C55A, 95-B55, 95-B55A.
The New Piper Aircraft Company Piper PA-28 series airconditioned, with Lycoming IO-360-C1C, O-320-E2A, -D2A
Cessna Aircraft Company 152, 172, 177, 177RG, 180, 182RG, 182, 185, 206, 210
SOCATA Groupe Aerospatiale TBM700 with ALU-8421lS | X-4612AC Single Row Ball Bearing Our P/N: 07-01830 $9.75
| Kelly Aerospace Power Systems Part No. X-4612 as used in Kelly alternators: ALE-6400, -6500 series ALE-8400, -8500 series ALH-5400, -5500 series ALM-5103 ALT-8400, -8500 series ALU-6400, -6500 series ALU-8400, -8500 series ALX-6400, -6500 series ALX-8400, -8500 series ALX-9400, -9500 series ALX-9425, ALX-9525 ALY-6400, -6500 series ALY-8400, -8500 series ALZ-8400, -8500 series DOFF10300B DOFF10300D DOFF10300E DOFF10300F DOFF10300J ES4000 series EOFF10300AA E3FF10300AA EOFF10300BA E3FF10300BA 4111810
| Textron Lycoming 235,320,360,540,720 series GO-480, VO-435.
Teledyne Continental Motors IO-520-B,-C,-F; TSIO-350-E,-F,-GB, -KB,-LB; LTSIO-360-E,-KB.
American Champion Aircraft Corp. - Bellanca 7ECA with Lyc O-235-C1; 7GCAA, 7GCBC, 7KCAB.
Raytheon Aircraft Company - Beechcraft D55, D55A, E55, E55A, E55B, E55BA, 95-C55, 95-C55A, 95-B5, 95-B55A.
The New Piper Aircraft Company Piper PA-28 airconditioned with Lycoming IO-360-C1C, O-320-E2A, -D2A
Cessna Aircraft Company 152, 172, 177, 177RG, 180, 185, 182, 182RG, 206, 210
SOCATA Groupe Aerospatiale TBM700 with ALU-8421RS
| |