Easa Part 66 Module 02 - B1 Physics
Артикул: 13-23232
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6491 руб.
This book is fully compliant to EASA Part 66 standards for the B1 aircraft maintenance license and is developed as appropriate for use within a typical 2 year 2400 hour Part 66/147 program.
Its in depth content, full color, and highly illustrated format makes this an excellent choice for students preparing for their B1 exams, or for Part 147 schools looking for a high quality and cost effective alternative to your self developed student notes.
Includes two year free revision service. |
Table of Contents
Matter- the nature of matter; the chemical elements; structure of atoms, molecules; chemical compounds; solid, liquid, gaseous states; changes between states.
Mechanics- statics; forces, moments and couples, representation as vectors; center of gravity; theory of stress, strain, and elasticity; tension, compression, shear and torsion; nature and properties of solids, fluid, and gas; pressure and buoyancy in liquids (barometers).
Kinetics- linear movement; uniform motion in a straight line and under acceleration; rotational movement; centrifugal and centripetal force; periodic motion and pendular movement; theory of vibration, harmonics, and resonance; velocity ratio; mechanical advantage and efficiency.
Dynamics- force, inertia, work, power, energy, and heat efficiency; momentum; impulse; gyroscopic principles; friction and rolling resistance.
Fluid Dynamics- specific gravity and density; viscosity; effects of streamlining; effects of compressibility on fluids; static, dynamic and total pressure; Beroulli's Theorem and venture.
Thermodynamics- temperature; thermometers and temperature scale; heat definition; heat capacity and specific heat; heat transfer, convection, radiation and conduction; volumetric expansion; 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics; gases, specific heat at constant volume and pressure, work done by expanding gas; isothermal, adiabatic expansion and compression; refrigerators and heat pumps; latent heat of fusion and evaporation; thermal energy, heat of combustion.
Optics- the nature of light; speed of light; laws of reflection and refraction; plane surfaces, spherical mirrors, refraction and lenses; fiber optics.
Wave Motion and Sound- wave motion; mechanical waves, sinusoidal waves, interference phenomena, and standing waves; sound, speed of sound, production of sound, intensity and pitch quality; Doppler effect.
- Publisher: Aircraft Technical Book Co.
- ISBN-13: 9781941144701
- Copyright Date: 2015, 2020
- Edition: 3rd
- Pages: 101
- Binding: Paperback
- Dimensions: 11.0" x 8.5"
- Book Weight: 1.0lbs
- eBook
- File Type: standard pdf ebook
- Print: unlimited
- Copy/Paste: unlimited
- Offline Access: yes
- Search: always
- Bookmarks: always
- System Reqs: Windows, Macintosh, iPad, and more
Version Types
Softcover Book - Printed book with heavyweight cover stock.
eBook EB - A protected document designed for reflowable content. Also referred to as an ePub or "Electronic Publication" format. Easily viewed on both small and large screens. Text, images, and pages will adapt or reflow to fit the screen size of the device, so zooming is not necessary to read. Text size can be adjusted in an ebook reader app. Visit AC Technical Books -eBooks for more details on how to setup your device.
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