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The Puma Method is a series of simple conditioning exercises, taught on VHS or interactive DVD, that effectively prevents the nausea, vomiting, lightheadedness and other unpleasant symptoms experienced by over 50% of the population while traveling. Sam C. Puma MD, president of Puma Applied Science and former Air Force Flight Surgeon at NASA, developed these revolutionary new exercises to totally eliminate carsickness, seasickness, airsickness, and even spacesickness. The Puma Method is unique in that it uses the body's own mechanism to actually master motion sickness, so there is never a need for drugs, devices or herbs. This means no unexpected or unpleasant side effects. The mild head, neck and upper body exercises take only about 15 minutes a day to do. Conditioning gradually occurs in about two weeks. Once conditioning is achieved it never totally goes away. Along with your video you will receive a booklet to track your progress and see how quickly you are becoming conditioned. Don't let motion sickness stop you from participating in activities or from really enjoying exciting vacations or events. Take control. Imagine the possibilities. Get the Puma Method Today. |