Full Lotus Floats - Aluminum Stiffener Plate

от 71498 59582 руб.

до 148210 123509 руб.

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Артикул Название Цена за ед. Кол-во Цена
05-03348 FULL LOTUS FL1220 ALUM STIFFNER PLATE-SMALL 71498 59582 руб. 00 руб.
05-03349 FULL LOTUS FL1260 ALUM STIFFNER PLATE-SMALL 71498 59582 руб. 00 руб.
05-03350 FULL LOTUS FL1650 ALUM STIFFNER PLATE-MED 74099 61749 руб. 00 руб.
05-03353 FULL LOTUS ALUMINUM STIFFENER PLATE FL2150 148210 123509 руб. 00 руб.

Итого: 00 руб.


Aircraft Floats Manufacturing, Inc. (AFM) is dedicated to providing pilots with the best possible float solutions for their aircraft.

Full Lotus Floats are the most durable, versatile and rugged floats on the market. There is no other float system in the world, that offer you the freedom that a Full Lotus Float system can.