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Артикул: 05-07265
51683 43070 руб.
от 51683 43070 руб.
до 249119 207599 руб.
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Итого: 00 руб.
Ken K
Very nice aft spinner bulkhead. It is manufactuered from one piece of aluminum and not two or three riveted plates like the OEM part.
Harold G
spinner and bulkhead for a cessna 182
Aft Bulkhead for spinner on Cessna 172M. The part was what I needed and it was installed by A/P. Quality and fit were good.
Brien A
Every hole lined up perfectly Looks good
Ответ:15" height X 11-1/4" base diameter.
Ответ:Yes, these spinners are FAA PMA approved.
Ответ:Yes, this will include the backplate in the kit.
Ответ:The forward plate is a plastic piece that has no holes drilled into it.
Ответ:Yes, it is PMA'd. And yes, it has the nutplates installed.
Ответ:We have added this photo to the web page.
Ответ:No the back plate is not included.
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23079 19233 руб.
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