Ceconite 102 - 2 Inch For Ceconite Repair Kit

от 726 605 руб.

до 1210 1008 руб.

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Артикул Название Цена за ед. Кол-во Цена
09-05256 C102 2" FOR CECONITE REPAIR KIT 9 FT 726 605 руб. 00 руб.
09-05257 C102 2" FOR CECONITE REPAIR KIT 15 FT 1210 1008 руб. 00 руб.

Итого: 00 руб.


FAA approved. Must be used with Ceconite STC. Comes in two weights, 2.7 oz. (Ceconite 102) and 1.7 oz. (Ceconite light). Either tape may be used on any Ceconite fabric. C-102 2.7 oz. is offered in straight or pinked edges. Light tapes (ceconite light are pinked).