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ELITE verÂsion 8.6 is the most recent ediÂtion of our famÂily of professional-grade flight simÂuÂlaÂtion softÂware, allowÂing pilots of all levÂels of expeÂriÂence to exerÂcise their flyÂing skills using the power of the perÂsonal comÂputer for over two decades. With flight dynamÂics and airÂcraft funcÂtionÂalÂity crafted to the highÂest fidelity, ownÂers of the ELITE softÂware can do anyÂthing from comÂplete startup and shutÂdown proÂceÂdures, fly difÂferÂent patÂterns or approaches, pracÂtice with norÂmal or abnorÂmal sitÂuÂaÂtions, or mainÂtain proÂfiÂciency, in a comÂpletely conÂtrolÂlable virÂtual enviÂronÂment with new 2011 navÂiÂgaÂtional data. Garmin GNS 430 **ELITE GNS 430 WAAS ConÂtrol ModÂule Required to OperÂate GNS 430 WAAS on screen disÂplay** DevelÂoped in conÂjuncÂtion with RealÂiÂtyXP, our in-depth GNS 430 WAAS simÂuÂlaÂtion emuÂlates all of the real-life funcÂtions of the GNS 430 when used with our ELITE 430 modÂule. Now you to learn, pracÂtice and brush up your GNS 430 skills in your own home or office withÂout those tirÂing videos or borÂing trainÂing books, and you don?t have to pull your airÂplane out of the hangar; thus savÂing fuel, time and money. VerÂsion 8.6 includes a brand new 2011 data cycle, ensurÂing your abilÂity to fly all of the newest WAAS approaches. Bendix/King SilÂver Crown Plus? AvionÂics This highly popÂuÂlar Bendix/King radio stack offers the latÂest in conÂveÂnience and advanced feaÂtures. The NAV/COMs alone have inteÂgrated elapsed timers, CDI/OBS, and the abilÂity to store a myrÂiad of freÂquenÂcies! The SilÂver Crown Plus? is a new stack for a new generation. Enhanced INOP InstruÂment PreÂsenÂtaÂtion ParÂtial panel work has never been more realÂisÂtic! The InstruÂment INOP feaÂture allows you to place a virÂtual instruÂment cover on a selected instruÂment or instruÂments. The covÂers are simÂiÂlar in appearÂance to the familÂiar rubÂber sucÂtion cup covÂers used for parÂtial panel pracÂtice in traÂdiÂtional instruÂment trainÂing. The covÂers can be used indeÂpenÂdent of, or in conÂjuncÂtion with, speÂcific malÂfuncÂtions as desired. McDonÂnell DouÂglas MD-81 ELITE was the first to introÂduce a proÂfesÂsional PC-based airÂliner class simÂuÂlaÂtion softÂware. Greatly refined since its origÂiÂnal develÂopÂment, one of the most widely-used famÂiÂlies of jet airÂcraft, the MD-80, is now part of the mainÂstream ELITE fleet. |