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Decalin RunUp is approved for use with the new 100VLL (Very Low Lead) fuel announced by the FAA on Special Airworthiness Bulletin NE-11-55. Decalin RunUp contains two types of additive, one to reduce the negative effects of tetraethyl lead in aviation fuel and the other to improve the combustion efficiency, reduce combustion deposits and clean the fuel delivery system in aircraft. Users can expect the same level of engine cleanliness when using this fuel and Decalin RunUp as they saw with 100LL. Make sure you remove and clean your oxygen sensor every 20 hours to remove these lead phosphate deposits when using Decalin RunUp. The dosage of 1/2 ounce per ten gallons of fuel is a minimum. This can be increased to a maximum of 2 ounces per gallon for problem engines. Decalin RunUp is not approved for use in the engines of certified aircraft but it has the same active ingredient, Tri Cresyl Phosphate as our previous product. Lycoming clone users have reported very good results when using this product. RunUp MSDS Notes: Some white deposits may be seen on the plugs and in the exhaust pipe during use; this is normal with RunUp since the lead in the fuel is being converted to non conductive lead phosphate. When no additive is used, lead oxide is formed. It is lead oxide which causes plugs to misfire due to its partial conductivity shorting out the plug. In addition, lead oxide tends to form in large clumps or clinkers whereas the lead phosphate is crumbly and if anyy is left behind in the combustion chamber it deposits in even layers. |
S. B 02.09.2019 |
Seems to prevent, in a certain extent, the carbon deposit in the combustion chambers. At least the deposit is less dense, more friable/brittle. Might clean up on its own. |
Antonino 25.08.2019 |
Too soon to tell its effectiveness. My forum members on the 150/152 club swear by it. They are an astute group of owners whose opinions I value. |
Ronald G 11.07.2019 |
I use 1 oz per ten gallons on my UL350 engine. It works very well when running 100LL. |
Carsten H 18.06.2018 |
I had to double the ratio in order to keep the plugs from fouling. Also noticed that the fluid changed color from yellowish to clear. Great product. |
James P 01.03.2018 |
I cant comment on the function of the product because I havent used it long enough to evaluate. However, I do have comment on the package design. The package is designed to pour a small measured amount out. When the container is new and full, I couldnt dispense the 1/2 OZ or 1 OZ quantity. The design allowed more fluid from the main tank to come out. I found that at least until you dispense a few ounces, a suction bulb or syringe is easier to use. |
John D 18.01.2018 |
Must use this with 100LL or my old Franklin breaks rocker arms and sticks valves. |
William R 29.10.2017 |
been using this product for 2 years now in Lycoming IO360 with excellent results. Its difficult to assess engine efficiency without laboratory testing. However, the reduction/elimination of lead deposits on valves and especially spark plugs is is very obvious. At annual the plugs show almost no lead build up. Before using Decalin the lead build up was significant over a year. I heard about this from engineering friends at General Atomics who used it on their drones with great success. |
Charles R 03.10.2019 |
Easy measure bottle and good lead fouling reduction in lower compression engines. |
Alexander L 12.11.2018 |
As a second owner of fairly new aircraft that has Lycoming tio 540, I have been having problem with lead fouling and hard starting. I came across this product and tried it for a year. I never had experience hard start, no lead fouling spark plug, and engine run smooth as theyâ??re supposed to be. I increase the ratio to 2oz per 10 gal. I will borescope all cylinders and see the effect of Decalin Runup. To make easy dispensing, used a large syringe 2oz. |
John F 13.02.2020 |
Great product...good value! |
Loren 27.02.2020 |
Must have for xctry flights in the SuperStol when 100LL is the only option for the Rotax. Excellent product and performance at a great price from Aircraft Spruce....as usual. |
Michael R 09.11.2020 |
ordering and shipping was excellent, this product seems to be exactly what I was looking for.. |
Ответ:This product has a two year shelf life so yours may not be good anymore. This product is table down to -60 degrees C. This will not freeze or separate at any temperature. Please see the tech data sheet in the 'Documents' tab for more information.
Ответ:The short answer is yes. This has an advanced deposit removal ingredient which will remove existing deposits. Depending on the quantity of the deposit, this may take time to achieve, but generally one or two full tanks of fuel will do the job. Fuel injectors and throttle bodies get cleaned up as well at the same time.
Ответ:Yes, Decalin Runup is compatible with auto gas. Decalin should be added in proportion to the 100LL being added. There are no negative effects to doing this.
Ответ:Per Vendor, Yes the Declain Runup is compatible with fuel resistant composite fuel tanks along with fuel resistant fiberglass cloth and epoxy resins and hardeners.
Ответ:10 quarts per case.
Ответ:Per the Supplier: All our experience so far says that this issue is unrelated to the addition of Decalin RunUp to 100LL. The ingredients in this product are miscible in all proportions with aviation gasoline. To speculate, cold weather causes condensation in fuel tanks, so this issue may be more related to the season.
Ответ:Shelf life is 2 years from the date it is shipped to us. This is unopened, and storage would not add to shelf life.
Ответ:Yes, Decalin RunUp will work just as well with fully synthetic oil in suspending the lead in the oil. There is a limit as to how much lead it will hold in solution and here is some reported data in a Rotax engine using synthetic oil. The results indicate that after 91 hours of operation my oil contained 1098 ppm of Lead (Pb). During the 91 hours of operation I used 49.85 gallons of 100 LL fuel, all of which was treated with Decalin at the rate suggested on the product.
Ответ:The active ingredient in Decalin RunUp follows the ?lead? of the lead, if you?ll excuse the pun. It reacts with a majority of the lead in the fuel to produce lead phosphate which is mostly blown out of the exhaust. Remaining lead in unburnt fuel finds its way into the oil by bypassing the pistons. The ingredient is already dissolved in the fuel and goes with it into the oil sump. There it acts as a suspending and dispersing agent, preventing the lead from precipitating and agglomerating into an abrasive sludge. It also performs other useful duties by helping to remove carbonaceous deposits in the oil galleries.
Ответ:Yes, there is a date code on the bottle.
Ответ:The dosage of 1/2 ounce per ten gallons of fuel is a minimum. This can be increased to a maximum of 2 ounces per gallon for problem engines.
Ответ:Yes it can be used in the Rotax 582 engine. This is a two stroke engine and we have a number of customers who have had good results using Decalin RunUp in them, with reduced valve and combustion chamber deposits and a smoother running engine.
Ответ:Yes it is per US gallons. THIS 16OZ BOTTLE TREATS 320 GALLONS
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